Knowsley Young Advisors are young people aged between 16 - 21, who guide
community leaders and decision makers on how to engage young people in
community life, regeneration and renewal.
Young Advisors are locally recruited and professionally trained by the Young
Advisors Charity and Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council (KMBC) to provide
links between professionals, young people and their communities, ensuring that
plans and delivery are relevant and respected.
Young Advisors bring unique expertise and knowledge about being young in their area, to influence organisation’s strategic planning, decision-making and budgeting processes. They can also work
directly with other children and young people to encourage them to get involved in
their community and issues important to them.
Below is an example of the most popular services we offer. If there is anything in particular you require but which isn't listed here, please let us know as we can create, tailor and deliver in accordance with your requirements.
Action Walks
The results of an Action Walk carried out by Knowsley Young Advisors can tell you everything you need to know about an area through the eyes of young people. We are regularly commissioned to carry out Action Walks in particular areas to evaluate the best things about the area, as well as things we feel could be improved.
During an Action Walk, we can also communicate directly with young residents to find out what they feel regarding certain aspects of the place in which they live.
Consulting with young people on behalf of services and decision makers is one of the things that Knowsley Young Advisors do best!
We feel that young people respond best to other young people on a friendly and equal level basis. We are capable of using many different methods to capture the feelings and opinions of young people during consultation and we always try to keep things fun, interactive and engaging.
We feel these qualities are what contribute to a really successful consultation session!
Delivering Training
Whether it’s training other young people, teachers, service providers or just about anybody else, Knowsley Young Advisors can provide tailored training which is sure to be enjoyable, informative and engaging.
We are also able to deliver training which can help with learning how best to consult and engage with young people and how to get the most out of a consultation session with young people.
We can deliver training to just about anybody – be it other young people, teachers, doctors or bus drivers. This can be a package created by us, or we can deliver your in house training on your behalf.
Youth Proofing
There are many things that can be youth proofed; documents, literature, marketing materials, advertisements, poster, an area, services and many others.
Youth Proofing involves making something young person friendly, whether that be creating a jargon buster for a written policy, making a poster more colourful and eye catching, or training service providers on how best to communicate with young people.
We feel that young people respond best to other young people on a friendly and equal level basis. We are capable of using many different methods to capture the feelings and opinions of young people during consultation and we always try to keep things fun, interactive and engaging.
We feel these qualities are what contribute to a really successful consultation session!
Delivering Training
Whether it’s training other young people, teachers, service providers or just about anybody else, Knowsley Young Advisors can provide tailored training which is sure to be enjoyable, informative and engaging.
We are also able to deliver training which can help with learning how best to consult and engage with young people and how to get the most out of a consultation session with young people.
We can deliver training to just about anybody – be it other young people, teachers, doctors or bus drivers. This can be a package created by us, or we can deliver your in house training on your behalf.
Youth Proofing
There are many things that can be youth proofed; documents, literature, marketing materials, advertisements, poster, an area, services and many others.
Youth Proofing involves making something young person friendly, whether that be creating a jargon buster for a written policy, making a poster more colourful and eye catching, or training service providers on how best to communicate with young people.
If you have a website or service which is intended for young people, make sure those young people are aware of it by commissioning Knowsley Young Advisors to promote it on your behalf!
We can suggest what we feel is a good method of promotion, or we can use your method of choice.
Whether we head out into town centres to hand out flyers or hold a promotion workshop with local people, you can be sure the word will be out there!
Service Appraisal
As part of a service appraisal, we assess any service/company which is people accessible. For example, health centres, youth clubs, clinics, GP surgeries, etc. Service Appraisals can be tailored so that we assess certain aspects of a service (i.e. your choice) or we can perform standard Service Appraisals covering aspects we think are most important.
During our Appraisals, we identify areas that a service or company are exceeding in and areas we feel could be improved.
After the appraisal, we can provide feedback in a form to suit you. This may be a written report, a presentation or verbally in the form of a meeting.
Feedback consists of recommendations as well as where we feel your service/company is succeeding and areas which need extra work.
Once the feedback has been delivered, we can then work with the service/company to make any necessary improvements. We can offer assistance with training, consultation events, and youth proofing literature, policies or any other necessary actions.
Mystery Shopping
A Mystery Shop involves Knowsley Young Advisors going out to a service/company and assessing them undercover. Staff at the establishment would not know our identity which would ensure a true representation of how customers/service users are treated.
Mystery Shopping
A Mystery Shop involves Knowsley Young Advisors going out to a service/company and assessing them undercover. Staff at the establishment would not know our identity which would ensure a true representation of how customers/service users are treated.
Whether you are a bank, a sexual health clinic, a transport provider (or just about anything else!), you can rest assured that Knowsley Young Advisors can report back on numerous aspects of your service, including their recommendations to ensure your service is 100% young person friendly.
Kite Marking
Knowsley Young Advisors can deliver service appraisal and provide a kite mark which tells young people that your service is tailored in order to suit them.
This kite mark is recognised borough wide and is an easy way for young people to see that the service they are using is young person friendly.
The OK Kite Mark focuses around many different points which contribute to making young people feel comfortable when using a service or visiting an organisation.
Until next time!
The OK Kite Mark focuses around many different points which contribute to making young people feel comfortable when using a service or visiting an organisation.
For more information on around how to commission us, or if you have any other questions, please feel free to email us.
Until next time!
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